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Low Stress Cattle Handling

Low Stress Handling is am important part of our management philosophy here at LO Cattle Company.  We know that to continue to survive and thrive out here we have to make the most of our grass, and the best way to do that is make the most of the cattle.  At the end of the day, the better we can make it for these cows the better it is for us.  We utilize cutting edge techniques like a Silencer Squeeze Chute and a Stur-d Portable tub with time tested cowboy wisdom to ensure that our cattle are treated responsibly and cared for in the best way possible.

Range Management

Range Management started as a major goal and focus of my Granddad Bill Brown Jr. and has been carried on over the years.  We are always developing pipelines, using salt and mineral, and trying to utilize the rangeland is a responsible manner with the next generation in mind.

Responsible Stewardship

When we talk about stewardship we are serious about taking care of this land and improve it over a lifetime.  Living, working, and being a part of this land means that we have a strong commitment to the future of these cows and this ranch.   


Mission of L.O. Cattle Company

Grow the long term profitability and sustainability, while enhancing the natural resource base of a family-centered reputation cattle ranch.

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